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When a top executive of a company goes to a popular podcast and speaks at length about the different aspects of a business, it usually draws considerable attention to the company. On January 23, the Chief Executive Officer of Digital Asset Monetary Network Inc. (OTC:DATI), Ajenne Watson, went on The Street podcast and discussed the different aspects of the company in detail. He started off by talking about the background of the company and then moved on to important topics like clientele and the plans for 2024.

It was his first appearance on the Street podcast. He started by noting that Digital Asset Monetary Network was a diversified investment company. However, the aspect that set the company apart from many of the operators in the investment space was that it amalgamated the values of social impact investing with value investing. Ajenne noted that the company is primarily involved in making investments in businesses that are still in the development stage and then building those up into assets of high value.

The companies that Digital Asset Monetary Network mainly invests in are generally valued in the range of $10 million to $100 million. He then went on to talk about the companies with which the Digital Asset Monetary Network was involved. He spoke about Bullet Blockchain, a company that was involved in the revolutionary Bitcoin ATM space and other blockchain-related patented technologies. However, that was not all. Ajenne also stated that the company was also involved in working with companies involved in solar power and artificial intelligence.

The company is also expected to have the commercial rollout of its PAI program after it raises capital through a Series D offering for which approval has been granted. It could be a good idea for investors to listen to the podcast.