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If a company changes its name then it is almost always regarded as major news and it is important for investors to take a closer look at that particular development. Not too long ago StrikeForce Technologies changed its name to Zerify (OTCMKTS:SFOR) and it may be a good idea to take a closer look at the rationale behind the move.
As it happens, earlier on in the month on July 7, the Chief Executive Officer of the company Mark Kay joined The Stock Day Podcast for a chat and spoke at length about the recent change of name of the company. In addition to that, Kay also spoke about the latest growth strategy that the company put in place.
The discussion started off with the reasons for changing the name to Zerify. Kay stated that the company had been working on the possibility of changing the name for more than five months and during the period as many as 1600 new names had been considered.
He then went on to state that the company was looking for a new name that would bear only one syllable and ‘Zerify’ proved to be the most perfect fit. He added that everyone at the company thought that it was a ‘great name’ and following the change, Zerify was looking forward to working on its operations to the best of its abilities.
The talk then turned to the future of the company and how the HIPAA-compliant status was going to have an effect on its operations. Kay noted that everyone at the company was excited at having got the HIPAA compliant status. He went on to add all the products that Zerify was working on were related to video-based collaboration. Kay added that the world was moving on to a more video collaboration-focused state.