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Pressure Biosciences Inc (OTCMKTS:PBIO) is best known for the manufacturing of pressure based instruments that are meant for use across a wide range of industries and it is a company that may prove to be interesting to a wide range of investors.

Market Action
On Wednesday, PBIO stock traded on 2.50X its average volume and closed with a gain of 8.33% to a session high of $1.30. The stock moved within a range of $1.2000 – 1.3000 after opening trade at $1.20.
On Wednesday the company had come into focus after it announced that it announced the initial results from the first stage of the collaborative product development under the agreement from August 2022 with the company DrDenese Skincare. The company announced that the results had surpassed expectations in a big way. It was a major new announcement and one that could bring the stock into considerable focus among investors over the coming days.
As per the provisions of the agreement between the two parties, the first stage of the agreement was supposed to be concerned with the deployment of Pressure Biosciences’ Ultra Shear Technology. The technology was supposed to be used for the purpose of processing oil-based active components that are present in some of the most effective anti-aging products which DrDenese Skincare manufactures.
The expectation from this collaboration is that the use of Ultra Shear Technology is going to eventually lead to the development of far more effective anti-aging products. The anti-aging marketplace is growing rapidly and it appears Pressure Biosciences has managed to latch on to a market that could continue to grow.
In the initial phase of the collaboration, the two companies chose to deploy two of the more commonly used elements for the products. One of those was retinol and the other was Vitamin C which is lipid-soluble. At this point in time, it is going to be interesting to see if the Pressure Biosciences stock can manage to come into focus among investors or not. It may be a good time to add the stock to your watch list.
Traders Note
PBIO stock is trading above the 20-Day and 50-Day Moving averages of $1.21 and $1.23 respectively. However, the stock is trading below the 200-Day moving average of $1.61.