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As the world grows more and more connected, there will be a higher demand for cybersecurity services. In such a situation, it may be a good idea to consider keeping an eye on some cybersecurity-related companies. One such company is Sekur Private Data Limited (CSE:SKUR ) (OTCQX:SWISF), which offers cybersecurity and Swiss-hosted internet privacy solutions for secure and private communications.

The company is involved in distributing a suite of products that include secure communication tools, encrypted emails, and secure messengers. The company sells its products directly through its website, as well as approved distributors and telecom companies across the world. Its products are suitable for individual consumers, governmental organizations, and enterprises.

Mr. Alain Ghiai, CEO of the company, appeared in an interview on July 26 with Departures Capital and provided some key insights. He noted that 2023 was a ‘pivotal year’ for the company since in December last year Sekur Private Data was going to reduce its budget by 50% while trying to boost sales. In order to reduce marketing costs, the company had moved away from influencers and instead gone for SEO, Ghiai added.

One of the more important things to point out about Sekur Private Data is that the company has been making considerable progress in recent times. On June 14 it announced that since it launched its optimization and SEO initiatives in January 2023, its Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC) had been reduced to $32 in June 2023.

In the past, the company had announced that it was gunning for the CAC of $75 or lower by the end of this year and to $75 or lower by the end of 2024 through direct marketing, META campaigns, and Google Ads.

It noted that it was targeting small and medium-scale businesses (SMBS) and consumers more aggressively to achieve that. One also needs to recognize the sheer scale of the reduction in CAC for the month of June. The June figure reflected a reduction of 55% from April 2023 and by a whopping 91% from the first fiscal quarter of 2023.

The company’s Chief Executive Officer Alain Ghiai noted that everyone at the company was happy to be ahead of its mooted plans for CAC reduction. He went on to add that Sekur had a specific plan in place to execute it.